2020 Offertory Campaign
A Message From The Pastor…
We are so blessed that you are part of our St. Martha family. On behalf of the clergy and staff at St. Martha, we sincerely thank you for all of your love and support.
As you may know, our parish has experienced financial challenges the past five years and the losses incurred during that time have caused us to deplete our rainy-day savings account. Without the safety net of a rainy-day savings account, our parish council and finance council have advised me that we must conduct an offertory campaign in 2020.
During the past year, many of you participated in contributing to our Sunday offertory and your generosity helped us to significantly reduce our loss in 2019. Thank you! It will take all of us, working together, to maintain our momentum this year and return our parish to financial health.
Your generous support allows us to serve 1800 families at St. Martha and the community at large through…
- Celebarting over 30 Masses per week, including a Mass in Spanish and a Mass in Vietnamese
- Ministry to Sarasota County jail including two Sunday Masses
- Ministry to eleven area nursing homes
- Ministry to Sarasota Memorial Hospital with a full time chaplain
- Ministry to 200 youth attending our Religious Education program
- Ministry to over 500 students at St. Martha Catholic School and St. Mary Academy
- Providing more than $100,000 each year in assistance to the needy through Caritas
With your help, we will continue to do many wonderful things. Thank you!
Smile, God loves you and so does,
Rev. Fausto Stampiglia, S.A.C.
Responding to God’s Call
Giving of our time, talent and treasure mainly involves a change about giving. It’s important to think in terms of giving in gratitude of God, of considering how blessed you are, of using your resources for the good of others. Once you have gratitude as your focus, you will be able to better determine, through prayer and reflection, the portion of time, talent, and treasure that is right for you.
God is the Giver of all the graces and blessings we have received.
As faithful people of God, we recognize that everything comes from God and belongs to Him. Trusting that He will provide, place your life in God’s hands and make him your treasure.
Please search your heart for the sacrificial gift, that as a follower of Jesus represents your deep desire to live as He did and help others.

Commonly Asked Questions
Q. What are the sources of funds used to support St. Martha?
A. The only source of funds for St. Martha is the parishioners’ contributions.
Q. Can St. Martha reduce expenses?
A. The Finance Council worked diligently with the staff to reduce the current budget by $100,000. We continue to aggressively explore further savings opportunities.
Q. How is the money used that I donate to St. Martha?
A. The money donated to St. Martha supports the Parish ministries as allocated below: