Council of Catholic Women
The women of CCW St. Martha support their parish community in ministry and collaborate with the priests and pastor according to Vatican II document, Decree on Bridging of the Laity.
In his message to women, Pope Paul VI, at the solemn ceremonies marking the end on the Second Vatican Council, said “…the hour is coming, in fact has come, when the vocation of woman is being achieved in its fullness, the hour in which woman acquires in the world an influence, an effect and a power never hitherto achieved. That is why, at this moment, when the human race is under-going so deep a transformation, women impregnated with the spirit of the Gospel can do so much more to aid mankind in not falling…”
“Women, you do know how to make the truth sweet, tender, and accessible; make it your task to bring the spirit of this council into institutions, schools, homes, and daily life…”- Address of Pope Paul VI to Women, December 8, 1965
In response to this decree, CCW St. Martha strives to provide the process and programs to put this message into effect, they include:
- The opportunity for catholic women to respond to their Baptismal commitment to serve the people of God in the spirit of the Gospel and to promote the call of the laity as documented by Vatican II.
- Promote spiritual enrichment of catholic women within the Church.
- Coordinate ministries of the catholic women in parishes.
- Develop leadership potential and skills through training conferences, workshops and institutes.
- The spiritual nature and goals of this organization will always have precedence over procedural and organizational format.
For more information, please contact Marcia Stokes at 334-648-4328 or
Also, “LIKE” us on Facebook: CCW St. Martha
Our Mission
The COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN is a vital enhancement of the religious support mission of St. Martha Catholic Community
by supporting, empowering and educating all catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service.