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We are very happy that you want Jesus
to be part of your wedding ceremony.


The Sacrament of Christian Marriage is a Great communal celebration which takes place in God’s house, the Catholic Church, witnessed by God, family and friends. “Your wedding day, is one day, but your marriage lasts a lifetime.”   The Church encourages couples to invest time and energy into the all-important work of preparing for their married life together.

The Marriage preparation process should begin (8) months prior to the wedding date. The steps are easy to follow, Five Steps.  

 Step 1 . Contact Office Manager, Step 2. Meet with Clergy, Step 3. Complete Witness to love Program (WTL), 
 Step 4. Pick out music with Virginia Bray,  Step 5. Pick out Marriage Ceremony Scripture Readings.

You must be an active, registered member of St. Martha Catholic Church for at least one year in order to be married at St. Martha’s.

Your First step is to contact Sara Brinn (941) 366-4210 ext. 3234 to start the marriage process. When you meet with Sara bring the
Preliminary Wedding Information Sheet completed (Please print clearly), along with a letter signed by both of you to our pastor,
Rev. Fausto Stampiglia, giving compelling reasons why you would like to marry at St. Martha Church and in the Catholic Church.
If you have a wedding coordinator you must notify Sara Brinn and fill out the necessary forms.
Two affidavit forms will be given to you and must be completed by two witnesses each. 

Preliminary Wedding Information Sheet

Meet with Clergy

Witness to Love (WTL)

Liturgical Music at Church

Marriage Ceremony Scripture Readings

State of Florida – Marriage Licenses

Complete Church Wedding ToDo Checklist 


  • Registered Member – $800
    Non-Registered Member – $1,500
    Marriage Preparation for a non-registered member being married at another location – $300

    Our fees include:
    * Use of the Church
    * Priest
    * Altar Servers
    * Music Director – correspond and assist wedding party with music selections and be in attendance on the wedding day
    * Use of our Bride’s Room to get ready and wait patiently before the wedding to begin

  • Baptism Certificate Request Form
    Preliminary Wedding Information Sheet
    Permission to Marry Form
    Affidavit – Freedom to Marry Form
    Permission Request Form for Wedding Coordinators
    Complete Church Wedding To Do List 


  • How can we be sure that the music we choose for our wedding will be appropriate?
    Our Music Director is a valuable resource and can guide you through all aspects of choosing the music for your wedding liturgy.

    Is it possible to have a friend or relative sing at our wedding?
    The musical demands of a Catholic wedding liturgy are quite complex, requiring considerable expertise to be done well. Our Music Director can advise you concerning our parish policy on this matter and whether this person is the best choice.

    We have a song which is “special” for us. May we request that it be sung at our wedding liturgy?
    The wedding liturgy is concerned with the spiritual dimension of love. Songs sung at this liturgy must express not only your love for each other, but also the love of God – the source of all love.

    Could our “special” song be sung before the wedding liturgy begins or played as prelude music?
    Prelude music and songs before the wedding liturgy set the tone for the Sacrament of Christian Marriage which is about to take place. Secular music which is not permitted during the wedding liturgy would also not be permitted for prelude music.

    Our “special” song was sung at my cousin’s wedding. Why can’t it be sung at ours?
    While secular and popular songs have been used at times in some parishes by musicians and clergy who are unfamiliar with or simply disregard the Church’s teachings regarding Sacred Music, they have never been permitted. Again, Church guidelines do not permit the use of secular music during the Sacred Liturgy.

    Is it appropriate to use other instruments besides the organ during our wedding liturgy?
    Other instruments (such as trumpet, flute, harp or guitar) are often used at wedding liturgies and can add to the musical dimension.

    May we hire another organist or musical group not associated with the parish?
    Some parishes have contractual agreements and/or policies concerning the use of anyone other than their Music Director at wedding.

  • Wedding times on Saturdays are 11:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m., or 7:00 p.m. Weddings during the weekdays are available upon request. (Weekday Masses are 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 12 noon, and 5:30 p.m.; and our Saturday Masses are 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.).

    The rehearsal is always the Friday evening before the wedding at 6:00 p.m., unless otherwise stipulated.

    The Church, Sacristy, and Bride’s Room will be opened a ½ hour before the wedding. If you need more time, please let the Parish Secretary or the Church Sacristan know so that arrangements can be made.

    Parking is available in the back of the Church, on 2nd Street, and across Fruitville Road. We have a ramp for the handicapped, on the south side of the Church inside the gate facing the back parking lot.

    The Bride and her Bridesmaids can dress in the Bride’s Room located on the south side of Church, at top of the ramp, door on the left before Church side door entrance. NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE ALLOWED.

    The Groom and Best Man wait in the Sacristy until the ceremony begins.

    Wedding coordinators arenot allowed at the Church wedding rehearsal or wedding without approval from the pastor. If permission is given to the coordinator, they are not to interfere, interrupt, intervene or direct the wedding party or guests; they are to be seated with the guests and only  If the wedding coordinator does not comply, they will be asked to leave. Permission form can be provided.

    For everything to go smoothly, it is better to have the reception line in the reception hall, not in Church.

    Due to Fire and Insurance Regulations…

    No throwing of rice, confetti, flowers, bubbles, etc. on the couple in front of or on church grounds.

    No runners are allowed

    No lights or candles on church pews or wherever they obstruct the flow of the celebration.

    No swags that obstruct the passage through the pews.

    Under no circumstances does the Ring bearer carry the real rings. The Groom or Best Man is to give the ring(s) to the Sacristan before the ceremony, she will place the ring(s) on the Altar

    The Flower girl is not allowed to throw flower petals. They can carry a basket bouquet.

    We do not rent the Parish Hall for Wedding Receptions. Our facilities are reserved for Parish Ministry use only.

    Photographer or Videographer

    Photography and Videography in the Church and Courtyard is allowed.

    The photographer has 45 minutes to complete their shoot in the Church after the wedding. We ask that you be mindful of our Sacristans time and duties. Our Sacristan must set up for the next Mass or Service.

    The pastor allows flash photography during the ceremony.

    Discuss with the couple what shots are wanted before the wedding, so that time is not wasted.


    Any floral decoration placed on the pews MUST have felt under the clamps, loose ribbon around pew end, etc. in order to protect our wooden pews. NO tape, wax, or wet flowers against pews.

    A floral arrangement or plant may be placed on the bottom step which leads to the Altar, insofar as they do not hinder the celebrant. No flowers or plants are placed anywhere on the floor near the Altar.

    Small floral arrangements or plants may be placed on either side of the Ambo.