Ministry Event Facility Regulations
St. Martha Catholic Church has many rooms which are available to Parish Ministries ONLY. We do not rent out the rooms for Wedding Receptions, Birthdays, etc.
- Please read all rules and guidelines. Print all information clearly on the form.
- Check with the Parish Secretary to see if the date and time requesting is available.
- Your group MUST be an active ministry of St. Martha Catholic Church.
- Liquor is NOT permitted.
- After event, please turn lights off and make sure building is secure.
- Doors are auto locked and unlocked 15 minutes before and after scheduled meeting time.
- All events MUST have the approval of our Pastor.
Guidelines for weekend use of Courtyard
The primary objective for using the St. Martha Courtyard on weekends is to create and enhance a vibrant sense of community. The Courtyard is available to all approved organizations for the purposes of raising funds for, and/or encouraging participation in, our church and school activities. On occasion the Courtyard may be used by non-St. Martha organizations.
Rules for weekend use of the Courtyard and Bro. Geenen Friendship Hall
- There will be no Courtyard activity on the first weekend of the month, or on weekends that include Solemn Feast Days.
- There will only be one doorway or Courtyard activity on any given weekend.
- A second or third activity on any given weekend is permissible in Bro. Geenen Hall.
- Courtyard and Bro. Geenen Hall reservation applications must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the weekend requested, regardless of whether a collection is intended.
- The Parish Council Vice President is responsible for resolving any conflicts which may arise between competing reservation requests.
- The Pastor must approve any Courtyard reservation requests for non-St. Martha Church or School activities, (e.g., voter registration, blood drive), even if sponsored by an approved organization.
- The Parish Secretary is responsible for developing weekend use application forms and maintenance of the approved calendar.
Regulations Governing the use of the Parish Kitchen
- Anyone using St. Martha’s Parish Kitchen equipment must have authorization by our Maintenance Department.
- Person utilizing St. Martha’s Parish Kitchen equipment must have a clear understanding on how to properly operate all equipment, or must be trained by the Maintenance Staff.
- The garbage disposal is used for small amounts of food waste, not large quantities that will damage the disposal or the plumbing. If you have a large amount of waste, please use the trash bins provided.
- Any equipment used, must be thoroughly cleaned after use.
- Any broken or malfunctioning equipment must be reported to the Maintenance staff immediately.
- Make sure that all equipment used is properly turned off.
Once all rules and regulations have been read, you may print our Ministry Event Facility Registration Form.