Parish Council
The Parish Council is the unifying structure of Saint Martha’s Catholic family. Our purpose is to counsel the Pastor by serving God and the parishioners of Saint Martha’s, in the spiritual, liturgical and assistance areas of parish life.
The Parish Council is represented by no less than nine or more than 25 lay people and clerics from within Saint Martha’s Parish. Regular members are voting members who count towards a quorum and include three permanent positions: Saint Martha’s School Principal or representative, the Director of Religious Education and a Finance Council representative. The Pastor has the privilege and authority to appoint the balance of the regular members, usually from among a rotation of representatives of the various Parish Ministries. Elected members are voting members who count towards a quorum and include up to three members elected by Parishioners every year on a three year cycle. There may be up to a total of nine elected members. St. Martha Pastor is an ex-officio member of the Parish Council. He neither votes, nor is included in a quorum count on matters brought before the Council. The Pastor may appoint additional ex-officio members at his discretion.
Regular meetings are held monthly between September and May, except that no meeting is held in December. Parishioners and non-parishioners who want to address the Council must submit a written request to the President at least ten days prior to the meeting. The President is responsible for obtaining the Pastor’s approval for the request and for granting any exceptions to this requirement.
Contact person: Nigel Mould